Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Trusting In Him

This week God has really blown me away! The more you trust in him and take risks the more God pulls through and takes control.
This week went crazy right from the beginning, the students started arriving Friday to Sunday. Was really hectic getting people settled in and getting over the awarkwardness. Monday God really pushed us, Monday nights are evangelism nights. We go down to Mooloolaba basically ask God to lead us to people so we can tell them about Jesus. It wasn’t on Monday but I really felt like I still wanted to go down and pray over the place and do whatever. So I asked Callie (fellow staff) and Brogan if they wanted to come with me. And they did then when we were about to come 2 of the students wanted to come with us so we were like For Show! So out side our house we held hands and prayed for God to be with us and all that Jazz. We Got to Mooloolaba and we kinda just walked around and we all felt led to different people so we split up. I was walking around for awhile praying and God wasn’t really saying much to me. There was this one Guy (Paul) sitting on a bench on his own. So I kept walking past and God was pushing me to go talk to him. But I was a little scared and just keept walking past and then sitting down like starring at him…. If he had seen me he must have thought I was a right weirdo. Then all of a sudden he got up and started to leave. I have never felt so bad in all my life for ignoring God. So like after 5min of talking to my self and God. He was just in the distance just about to go out of sight. When God was like RUN! And I just did… I chased Paul and got up to him and went…. “hey how are things…..” like what?? I couldn’t have thought of something better to say I’m such and idiot ha-ha. But God took control of the situation I started sharing the Gospel to him and he was accepting it in a way. So I went through all that and at the end he was like thanks man I will try and go to church again. We talked for like 45min and he didn’t get saved but God is really working on his heart it was sick. Also when we all meet up Brogan and Cory lead to guys to Christ prayed with them and all that, then Kyle a couple to Christ So that 4 more peeps who have joined Gods Kingdom!

After that awesome start to the week and also to the school we have had orientation week. Intoing the guys to the school and what will be happening etc. we also did our 1 on 1’s. they were really good I have 4 guys who ill be mentoring and dispelling for 3 months. We basically go out and chat about well…. Life issues and stuff. Its cool all of them I connect with really well and just opened up straight away so Praise God!. Also we had small groups. For the first one we did a photo scavenger hunt where we had to take different pictures of our self’s doing stupid stuff and certain locations was awesome iv put some pictures up.

Friday Night was another epic night! WE all went down the beach to hang out and chill. Towards the end of the night this homeless guy sat next to a few of the girls and started talking to them. But then got changed in front of them to go swimming…. Was kinda wired. So I just went up and asked him what he was doing and if he was going for a swim. He replyed “ yea I need to wash myself clean form all the hurt and all the violence…” so there it was time to let him know about Jesus! So after watching him swim making sure he didn’t drown (he was a little drunk) the guy said they would pry for me as I’m speaking to him. After lie 30min of trying to talk to him I felt there was more to this conversation than just sharing the gospel to him. Cory and Spencer two of the students came over and introduced them self’s and they were feeling the same thing. We found ourselves in a pretty heavy spiritual fight. By the end of it this guy prayed and accepted Jesus into his life but was still being influenced by what ever was talking to him at the time. I don’t wana talk about it to much but by the end he walked off. That night when we got back we all prayed together for protection. And we felt at peace again and that God really did use us in that situation. He gave us a lot of grace because we could have handled it a little bit different but we were obedient and trusting in God. It all apart of learning right?

The next day was so sick! I went with the surf school to teach disabled people to surf! Was awesome! Iv never felt so happy in my life! Seeing thos guys getting stoked after they ride on a way was so fulfilling! I had a smile on my face all day. I could have done it all day! It also made me appreciate surf so much more and life. I wont say no more about that I got a little video of that days adventure!

Prayer Points
Pray for thos guys we have spoken to the past week. Paul and Andrew the homless guy
The guys who got saved
My 1 on 1’s
Nick my 1 on 1 he’s giving up smoking
That I don’t get to busy for God
Friendships keep growing
That the guys hear Gods voice because that’s what there learning about this this week
My mum shes not feeling to good here Back/leg is still bad. Also shes keeps searching for God
That the students have and open heart
And against spiritual warfare

p.s There is a video coming of D.S.A but my computer cant really andel the editing software so bare with me J also went out evangelising Monday and we led 2 guys to Christ will blog it this week.

Love you all and thank you so much for your prayers and support

Peace x


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