Its this time of the year again!! HAPPY THANKS GIVING!! Well for tho’s who are American for the others happy 27th of November. Anyway to the serious stuff. Last week was PRAYER WEEK! Exciting stuff. As always prayer week is always a much anticipated week. God does a lot of healing this week physically and spiritually! So I’m just gona share some story’s because that’s all I can really do for this. so hope they inspire you to have faith and trust in God that he does listen to us and he does respond to our prayers and he knows our hearts.
So I had a prayers slot between 1am - 3am but all tighter I must have had around 16hrs of sleep all week just little naps here and there you know… but its was awesome because God completely gave me strength! I was very rarely tired. I mean my Body was exhausted aching and weak but mentally and spiritually I was completely fine! It was something I prayed for every day that God would give me strength to pray through the night and he did!
So saying that the first night we prayed for a lot Healing and we had some! We prayed for Corey that day he fell over and twisted his ankle. So we prayed for him and god answered he was walking around jumping up and down was so sick so that really got us pumped to keep praying for more!
So we kept praying all night for different people, I ended up praying for Dylan and we prayed all night…. For 2 till 7 in the morning… we were praying for his back and we just wrestled with God al night. But you know he didn’t get healed and I don’t know why I guess its just one of tho’s things where God is painting on such a bigger canvas. That’s were we just gota trust in God because he knows what he’s doing. The way I see it is that God could have healed him there and then and 4 of us would have been really encouraged and stoked. Or Gods gona heal him in the future where hundreds of people will see his story and be saved from seeing God do a miracle. So I think one thing I had to get my head around was that God is so much bigger that what we could ever comprehend… he really is looking at things from a different perspective. Which really comforts me knowing that God has such a bigger plan for my life something bigger that I could ever plan. So rest easy folks your in for one sick ride if your walking in true faith with the creator of this universe!
But we did pray for another Girl and her back did get healed so Gods good right! But I’m gona post a link to Claude’s Blog because some exciting stuff happened to her over prayer week so it would be cool to actually ready her Blog to see the students perspective of things so be sure to comment on her Blog will be super encouraging for her! So read her Story it will really show you what were doing out here its sweet.

So on a new topic! This week was EVANGELISM WEEK!! Its been a tiring 2 weeks as you can tell. This week Ryan the base director spoke on evangelism, he’s such a good speaker and gets you pumps to share the good news to people. So basically the the whole week is just go out and evangelise. The week was sweet we did a lot of stuff pushing the students to think outside the box and to serve the community so it was an eventful week.

So that has been my week is been super intense but so fun! Just a little update on what I’m doing next. This school goes on outreach in 3 weeks!! And I wont be going with them… sad times. Its because I’m staying back to staff the January school! So in 2 weeks I have to so a Leadership training school for 2 weeks which is a accredited course so I get my cert 4 leadership thing it legit! But its gona cost me a bit of money so I don’t know how you guys are doing financially with Christmas coming up and stuff but I’m struggling a little bit to get some money together to fly down to Newcastle (near Sydney) to go do this course. So if you can and you feel God calling you to some money or this would be awesome would really help me out to get more skills and to be more effective in discipleship so ill leave you to pray about it. If you do feel led and you can get hold of my parents they will sort things out ( love you mum and dad ) so thank you guys for everything you doing to help me out here. You guys are just as much apart of this whole thing as I am. Because I couldn’t do it with out your prayers and money! So God bless you, have a good Thanks giving please keep praying for me and the students! Pray for Matt and Claire as there in New Zealand right now sorting things out and getting ready for some awesome travelling, yeah so Thank you guys once again and ill keep you posted on what happens next week!
Would love to hear from you guys who are reading so drop me an email because I would love to chat to you guys!!!
Love you all God bless
So saying that the first night we prayed for a lot Healing and we had some! We prayed for Corey that day he fell over and twisted his ankle. So we prayed for him and god answered he was walking around jumping up and down was so sick so that really got us pumped to keep praying for more!
So we kept praying all night for different people, I ended up praying for Dylan and we prayed all night…. For 2 till 7 in the morning… we were praying for his back and we just wrestled with God al night. But you know he didn’t get healed and I don’t know why I guess its just one of tho’s things where God is painting on such a bigger canvas. That’s were we just gota trust in God because he knows what he’s doing. The way I see it is that God could have healed him there and then and 4 of us would have been really encouraged and stoked. Or Gods gona heal him in the future where hundreds of people will see his story and be saved from seeing God do a miracle. So I think one thing I had to get my head around was that God is so much bigger that what we could ever comprehend… he really is looking at things from a different perspective. Which really comforts me knowing that God has such a bigger plan for my life something bigger that I could ever plan. So rest easy folks your in for one sick ride if your walking in true faith with the creator of this universe!
But we did pray for another Girl and her back did get healed so Gods good right! But I’m gona post a link to Claude’s Blog because some exciting stuff happened to her over prayer week so it would be cool to actually ready her Blog to see the students perspective of things so be sure to comment on her Blog will be super encouraging for her! So read her Story it will really show you what were doing out here its sweet.

So on a new topic! This week was EVANGELISM WEEK!! Its been a tiring 2 weeks as you can tell. This week Ryan the base director spoke on evangelism, he’s such a good speaker and gets you pumps to share the good news to people. So basically the the whole week is just go out and evangelise. The week was sweet we did a lot of stuff pushing the students to think outside the box and to serve the community so it was an eventful week.

So that has been my week is been super intense but so fun! Just a little update on what I’m doing next. This school goes on outreach in 3 weeks!! And I wont be going with them… sad times. Its because I’m staying back to staff the January school! So in 2 weeks I have to so a Leadership training school for 2 weeks which is a accredited course so I get my cert 4 leadership thing it legit! But its gona cost me a bit of money so I don’t know how you guys are doing financially with Christmas coming up and stuff but I’m struggling a little bit to get some money together to fly down to Newcastle (near Sydney) to go do this course. So if you can and you feel God calling you to some money or this would be awesome would really help me out to get more skills and to be more effective in discipleship so ill leave you to pray about it. If you do feel led and you can get hold of my parents they will sort things out ( love you mum and dad ) so thank you guys for everything you doing to help me out here. You guys are just as much apart of this whole thing as I am. Because I couldn’t do it with out your prayers and money! So God bless you, have a good Thanks giving please keep praying for me and the students! Pray for Matt and Claire as there in New Zealand right now sorting things out and getting ready for some awesome travelling, yeah so Thank you guys once again and ill keep you posted on what happens next week!
Would love to hear from you guys who are reading so drop me an email because I would love to chat to you guys!!!
Love you all God bless