Friday, 14 May 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Only 2 weeks to go!

Two weeks till we leave on outreach. I have a whole bag of emotions going trough my head about this one… Excited, nervous you name it I’m feeling it… well… most of them! Just in case you don’t know me and Callie are leading a team of 7 the Bali (Indonesia) and then to the Philippines on a 2 months outreach. Sharing the Good news of Jesus Christ Through our Love and actions. Were going to serve and support local ministries and get plugged in and offer our service. So another little adventure starts on March 28th also on the 23rd of March (my birthday don’t forget) were doing a ride for the Philippines at the cable park. Where are the money from riding and the auction goes to kids who can’t afford to go to a 5 day youth camp which we are running. Expected to be over 500 kids! Gona be sweet!
But were still here on the sunny coast and God is still teaching everyone so many things! Last few lectures was the Character and nature of God ( just to let you know we didn’t have a speaker for this week so we just kept praying and then Jason from Brisbane saved the day and did a talk he’s never talked on before so Praise God it was sick!) Then we had Relationships by the Amazing Kirks! And now were in the middle of The Kingdom of God by Rob Hennser and Dan pedington (probably spelt tho’s wrong sorry)
A huge part of the past we weeks was the Love Feast. It was such a special night it really was. What it is. The staff do this huge sit down meal for the student shirt and tie business. We cook the food serve it to them and clean up. All the staff have one on one’s so we wrote them notes and Words from God then we washed there feet and prayed for them it was the most fulfilling thing iv ever done. To see some of the student’s faces they just felt so loved well they are loved! I love them all so much I really would do anything for them. One of the guys who I’m pretty close with came up to me and gave me a hug and said thanks Dan for everything I love you bro. was so nice actually shed a little tear. It’s nice you know I’ve been thinking about it I have been out here for about 7 months now and you can just kinda fall into the routine of things and you slowly start to stop seeing the impact your actually making in these guys lives and on that night God showed me the impact I’m making. I know it’s not about me! It’s all about Jesus everything is! But it was just nice you know.
From That God has been teaching me a lot of things over the past few months. Now I’m just coming out of the learning phase which sucks… I can start to see what God is teaching me! God just wants us. That’s simple right? Well it sounds it but giving you 100% to God is a challenge. It requires you to give up everything… your career, jobs, passions, Friends and relationships and your desires there are more but God just wants you live for him wholeheartedly. So yeah I’ve really just been seeking him and trusting him with my future. I found the more time I spend seeking God (what ever that looks like for you.) the more I’m able to trust God with my future. Been really waiting on God and being obedient when he tells me to wait I wait… if he tells me to go I go… I made the mistake of waiting on God and not really seeking him and I got so confused because I wasn’t satisfied with the answers I was getting. So I would look for more and it would just get messy and God isn’t a God of confusing or contradiction. Now I can honestly say I’m seeking God 100% the things God is telling me I’m patent with and they make sense and then I’m obedient with the things he tells me. I love this place I’m at with God and I just want more! It’s so sweet I don’t deserve any of it. I don’t deserve to feel this close to God but he loves me and give me so much grace its sweet. So yeah sum up everything
Been reading some Good book’s
Crazy Love – it’s a sweet book it talks about what it looks like to be completely in love with our God, what it looks like practically and how to wholeheartedly live a life for God.
The pursuit of God – A.W Tozzer – this is a little more intense but you could dip the whole thing in highlighter… it’s so good! Again it just talks about pursuing God. It speaks so much truth and opens your eyes! I haven’t finished it yet but almost there. It’s a small book as well so should take you long.
Wild at Heart – John Elderige – this book is sick I think ill be reading it my whole life.. it just talks about what it is to be a man of God and why God made us the way he has made us and why he made us the way were are… its soo sweet makes me want to charge some Gnarly wave hahaha
Captivating – John/Stasi Elderage – this is the female version of wild at heart… yes iv read it its really good! Good to know what the heart of a woman is!
Philippines/Bali - Me &
Prayer points
· God will continue to stretch and grow me
· Ill keep seeking him wholeheartedly
· Outreach team’s
Other outreach teams to pray for:
India/Bangladesh - Jay & Mallory
India/Nepal - Fleur & Isaac
Thailand/Cambodia - Bryan & Tiffany
Chin - Ben & Heidi
Philippines/Bali - Me & Callie
· Matt and Claire there in Nias Indonesia right now and were meeting up in Bali sick huh?
· Students strength and finances for outreach
Prayer points
· Mark Gelch (contact in Bali) - health
· Team Unity!
· Nick - saved
· Skate team
· Ride for the Philippines
· Des (skate Leader)
· Open doors for salvations
· Spiritual Warfare - Fears
· Pastor Pat contact in the Philippines
· Strength and guidance
· Youth Camp
· Health
· We have FUN!
Thank you guys for all your support! We will be updating a team Blog every week while were on outreach will send you the website when it up.
Peace x
Good Blogs!
When you are the moon12 years ago
Kingdom of Heaven14 years ago
Update 115 years ago